Monday, January 30, 2012

Slowly slipping off...

Diet update...It's week 2 of our weight loss program at work & week 4 of my personal weight loss. I have done horrible in the last week! I gained a pound according to the scale at work, although I've got tons of water weight this week, so I'm hoping that is contributing to that pound.  I have re-evaluated and have decided to start all over with a fresh, new week!

I went to the gym and worked out for a full solid hour today. It's been a good minute since I've worked out that hard. It felt so good! I can't wait to go back tomorrow. I am back working on the slim fast diet/south beach (which I also found out that my boss is on at work and he says it's the devil) haha! I had soup & salad with a co-worker today along with my shakes, plus an amazing workout, so I'm hoping to keep up the good work the rest of this week.

I have decided that if I loose at least 3 or more lbs this week, I'm am rewarding myself sunday at our superbowl party & enjoying some yummy dips! (but I'm working out first!) 

This weekend, I really stopped to think about how important my goals were. Not just for myself, but for a lot of other reasons in which I will blog about in the next few months.  For now, I'm taking a moment to work on myself.  I'm definitely at my plateau weight and haven't been able to get under this in about 6 years. Please say a special prayer for both Jason and I as we work on our physcial, financial, & spiritual goals this year. I am hoping to make a LIFE change and I know that it will only be by the grace of God that it happens. I know I can be so much better than I am now and I hope that one day soon, I'll be there.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Week 3: Diet update

Confession...I did not work out last week (or any this week for that matter).

And....I cheated yesterday....very badly! First we ate a wonderful mexican lunch at Superior-I'm still wanting some more salsa! But no, that's not all...

Can you see where I'm going with this? 

Jason & I spent our day off yesterday in Bossier spending gift cards & making returns.  On our way around the boardwalk, we wandered by Cold Stone, our all time favorite treat! Thanks to my hubby, I soon found myself contemplating between my two favorites: Birthday Cake remix & Strawberry Banana Rendezvous. I wound up choosing the strawberry since it was so hot outside.  Oh it was amazing. There was nothing more romantic than sitting by the Red River enjoying an afternoon sweetie with my sweetie!

Now, to semi-explain my splurging, I weighed in yesterday morning and have lost 6 pounds! YAY!! South beach diet is working its magic.  Since starting last Wednesday, I lost 4 pounds. I have been doing really good eating the last two weeks, working out occasionally, which I plan on implementing more once the craziness of Spring semester slows down in the next month or so.

With all of that being said, I did NOT weigh this morning after my "day of fun" yesterday. Call it denial, but the good news is I did really good today and am back on track. I plan to extend my Phase 1 an extra day next week to make up for my splurge. We are starting our weight loss challenge at work next week, so I'm not trying "too" hard until the competition starts.  Then I guess I'll have to get my new tone ups on and go for a walk if I want to win this thing!

Just thought I'd share my updates and my turn around from last week's post.  I am so thankful to be headed in the right direction.  :)  How are you all coming along?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Weight loss challenge...


So after waking up at 4:30 am to the sound of dripping rain down my window seal & my husband's BLARING alarm clock, I made the hardest decision ever...I got up...put on my clothes & went to the gym in the rain with my hubby.  And boy did I work out!
I clearly almost died. 
 I mean, I totally had a biggest looser moment. You know...the one where the big girl is on the tread mill, breathing so hard & sweating to the point where she can't almost falls off the treadmill from pure exhaustion...then throws up in the corner?  That was me. 
Except I didn't throw up! (gold star for b!)

I weighed in this morning and after a long, solid week of mildly working out (walking & doing bleachers) & using fruit, vegetables, chicken, low fat, low carb and so on....

I lost 2 pounds.

I know.

My first thoughts did this happen????!!!!

In reality I should be happy I'm moving in the right direction, but it feels like I should have lost way more! It's very discouraging to not see better results.  The hardest part for me has been this massive tape worm in my stomach! I am soooooooo hungry...all......the....time.

I'm thinking I might have to result to what I DIDN'T want to do. Diet.  South Beach always works & I thought I might incorporate slim fast in with the SB since I have such a busy schedule lately.  I have to do something to get this weightloss started ASAP! I'm giving it until Monday, if not, I'm headed for South Beach.
On a positive note, things this week to motivate me:
  • Signed up for a weight loss challenge at work. The winner gets $300!
  • Sent in my measurements for my bridesmaid dress for Lauren's wedding
  • Started planning a trip back to Vegas in May for our 2nd Anniversary!
The funniest part of this whole weight loss extravaganza rollercoaster that I'm on is that this afternoon Jason's sweet younger cousin brought me a belated Christmas present today. 

It ironically was a casserole dish carrier.

Oh how yummy it would be to whip up some pioneer woman chicken spaghetti or mexican casserole to go in it?!!!
A girl can dream right? I really did LOVE my casserole dish carrier and I've been wanting one for a long time. Sometimes it's so funny how things come to you though when you least expect them!

Updates, how are you doing on your weight loss goals/resolutions?  HANG IN THERE!

In closing...I am refusing to say "roll tide" or talk anything sports related in this post.  I honestly think I'm the only person in the universe not watching the BCS game tonight, but Maci & I are happily cuddled on the couch watching the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills & Atlanta, trying to stay awake for Jason to get home. Maybe next week I'll have better news to share, but until then I'm still working towards the goal!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

Well 2011 has come and gone and I am jumping on the resolution band wagon. What better time to have a fresh start and change some bad habbits? I realize that I have neglected my blog, so I'm going to do a better job of that (unofficial resolution) and try to blog weekly of my progress. 

Here is a list of my goals for 2012:

1) To be a better Christian
I plan on focusing more of my life to God, his word, & living through him.

2) Be a better wife, daughter, sister, friend, etc.
In the last year, I feel as if I have neglected so many of the loved ones in my life and I want to do better with spending time, phone calls, cards, remembering birthdays & special moments, sending texts....I NEED to do this.

3) Loosing 30 lbs.
I have set myself a goal to eat healthier & exercise to reach my perfect weight.  I have thought long and hard and I have challenged myself to loose 30 lbs before my 25th birthday. I have so many reasons for deciding to do this.
  • My Health-I don't want to be skinny, just healthy.
  • My husband-every hubby loves a smoking hot wife! haha!
  • My dream for a baby-I know God knows when the time is right to bless us with a baby and I have pledged to be ready for this. I want to be in the best possible shape and ready to provide my baby with a healthy environment to be brought into.
  • My best friend's wedding.  One of my very best friends from college, Lauren, is engaged and will be getting married this fall. I want to look and feel great at her wedding!
  • To revamp my closet-there are so many clothes & shoes I have that I have dreamed about fitting (back) into. With a few life changes, some of these cute dresses, jeans, & shoes will bring back all of those old warm fuzzies when I put them on. I can't wait for that feeling of putting on my "skinny jeans" & them being a little big :)
4) Saving money & paying off a few things

5) Making investments in our new house

There are so many things I want to do better with this year, but only time will tell if I accomplish all these goals on my list for 2012.  The first three goals WILL happen.  The other two, well, I'm going to try my best!  Whatever changes I make, I know they will be positive and that's what I'm looking for. 

I will blog every Monday to keep you updated with my weight loss progress. Since today is Monday, I will give  a brief starter of what my plan is.  I've been scanning the internet for ideas and inspiration for food, exercise, & success stories.  After all of this deliberation, I have decided not to do some fad diet, pills, crazy workout plan, or anything of that sort. I'm loosing it the old fashioned way.  I'm watching my calories, fats, & carbs.  I'm eating healtier foods.  I'm challenging myself to drink 8 glasses of water every day.  I'm still keeping diet coke (I have to keep something sinful to trick myself into thinking I'm cheating!).  But, I will only drink 1 dt. coke per day. I'm cutting back! I'm weighing every week-Monday morning to be precise.  I will post my progress each week. I'm joining a gym here in town probably next week. I'm taking this week just to get in the habbit of starting to eat healthy. Maybe I'll loose a couple of pounds this week just watching what I eat. We will see.

Over the holidays, I have gained a solid 5 lbs.  :( Very depressing because my goal was to maintain. I had lost almost 15 lbs after we moved to Magnolia with just watching what I ate and getting active, so I really wanted to keep that off. It's pretty disheartening to have lost the first battle, but I plan to win the war!  I am hoping this week I can loose a few of those 5 lbs I gained and start fresh next Monday with working out and working towards the goal.  Hopefully I will have good news to report next Monday! Please keep me in your prayers through all of my resolutions. After this incredibly long post, it's time for my mid-morning snack.  I'm eating unsweetened applesauce (30 calories) with a glass of water.

 But...what I'm really craving is a powdered & chocolate covered mini donut.
This is going to be a long 4 months!